Social News – COVID-19



Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic


On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared a pandemic (link) based on 40 cases (out of 8 billion people in the world) [need citation].  Across the globe governments declared emergency powers and started systematically shutting down services, asking people to stay at home and demanding those abroad to come home.  Borders were closed and the lockdown was underway.  Those deemed as essential workers continued to work, while others stayed at home to reduce risk and “flatten the curve” thereby allowing healthcare systems the opportunity to focus on the looming threat.


The world’s attention turned to the virus identified as SARS-CoV-2.


Where did it come from?


The virus was first reported in Wuhan, China.  Initial explanations sourced it from a live animal or “wet” market in Wuhan.  Initial sources were cited as being either bats or pangolins.  The virus was broadly considered zoonotic and novel, meaning “from animals” and “new”.


In January, 2020 the SARS-CoV-2 genome was “leaked” by Wuhan Doctors.  (genbank 1)   (genbank 2)


Those people who watch this type of thing closely, immediately started to question.  They noted that the virus was 78% genomically similar to SARS-CoV-1 (article) and that Wuhan Institute of Virology is a level 4 infectious disease laboratory 280 metres from the market (article).  Governments and mainstream media were adamant that any talk of lab-origination was a “conspiracy theory” and completely wrong.   (Until May 2021 when the mainstream media started talking about the possibility of a lab leak (video [mark 4:20]) when it became strategically beneficial to re-ignite the waning coronavirus fear through the summer period of good health.)  AO News – The Great Reset


By the end of April 2020, it was apparent to AWARE-Ontario that the data was inconsistent.  See AO News - COVID-19


“It is very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory, where the animals were taken into the laboratory, and this is what was released whether deliberate or not.  That cannot be naturally occurring.  Somebody didn’t go to a market; get a bat; the virus didn’t jump directly to humans.  That’s not how it works.  That’s accelerated viral evolution.  If it was a natural occurrence, it would take it up to 800 years to occur.  This occurred from SARS 1 within a decade.  That’s not naturally occurring..  I’m sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Detrick U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Disease and the Wuhan laboratory.” Dr. Judy Mikovits (video mark 10:30)


It was noted that there was indications of gain-of-function (GoF) engineering in the genome    (article). 


Gain-of-function moratorium in USA (2014/15 until lifted in 2017) [mark 35:02]  Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaks with Dr. David E. Martin (44 mins)


Moderna patent applications (2016, 2019) [mark 31:22]  Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaks with Dr. David E. Martin (44 mins)


It was noted that the World Military Games had been held in Wuhan in October 2019.


It was also noted that Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei Province, announced the launch of commercial 5G applications on October 31, 2019.  (article) (AO Wireless – EMR Health)


While the world pointed the finger at China, the Chinese pointed the finger at the USA. (lego clip) (video (1hr) (mark 43:45))


People also pointed to the undoubted impact on the USA elections on November 4, 2020. (Dr. Sherry Tenpenny (mark 19:00)) (video 7 mins)


Yet months later (October 2020) samples of the actual virus are not available as the virus has not been isolated.  SARS-CoV-2 is without a gold standard and does not meet Koch’s postulates.  It is recognized that the PCR testing used to diagnose COVID-19 was not designed to diagnose infectious disease and that PCR test results can be manipulated based on cycle threshold.  The Government of Ontario admitted to operating at a level with 50% false positives.    (AO News – COVID-19 Testing)


On October 15, 2020 Dr. Tom Cowan wrote an article pointing out that the “whole genome” was derived of “37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes.  This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus.  They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.”  (article)


Dr. Cowan also highlighted a CDC report that the SARS-CoV-2 virus did not infect human tissues.  (article) / (CDC report) / APPENDIX F


Has the virus been isolated? 


Yes:  Sunnybrook, U of Helsinki / diagram


No:  Icke/Dr. Andrew Kaufman video (54 mins)   Icke/Dr. Andrew Kaufman video (47 mins)  


Dr. Thomas Cowan   David Icke (20 mins)   Dr. Kaufman (31 mins)   Dr. David Rasnick (90 mins mark 18:45)


“The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person.  The DNA template <genbank no> was generated by a combination of gene synthesis and a recombinant DNA technology.”   Dr. David Rasnick Interview (90 mins mark 21:36)


The Science (Metagenomics):  How did they do it?  Dr. David Rasnick (90 mins mark 18:20, 20:36)


Metagenomics – is a molecular tool used to analyse DNA acquired from environmental samples, in order to study the community of microorganisms present, without the necessity of obtaining pure cultures.  Computer modelling and consensus is used to sequence the genome.   Dr. Thomas Cowan   


Ultimately, critics ask, does SARS-CoV-2 really exist outside of a laboratory? (article)   (article


There is no proof that the virus exists.   Ireland   Dr. David Rasnick (90 mins mark 18:45)


However, Dr. Meryl Nass declares that the virus is real and does exist (although “almost certainly” created in a laboratory).  (article)


5G:  A retracted pubmed study links 5G with coronavirus in skin cells   (article)   (AO News – EMR Health)


Dr. Tim O’Shea – Why the Delusion Cannot End (47 mins)


The New Normal Documentary by (53 mins)


Professor Michel Chossudovsky -  The 2021 Worldwide Corona Crisis (March 2021)


Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, Stiftung Corona (status update 21.09.15) (40 mins) - The narrative is established.  We know what is going on. (AO COVID-19 - What Do Lawyers Say?)


DARPA PREEMPT program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR00118S0017 dated March 2018 – Peter Daszak lays out step-by-step what the organization [EcoHealth Alliance] intends to do by phase and by location.  The primary scientists involved, their roles, and their institutions are indicated.  The funding plan for the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) work is its own document.  (image)



DRASTIC Research is a team of volunteers committed to determining the origin of  SARS-CoV-2 (


Follow the Patents: COVID-19 is a manufactured emergency




Watch the Water documentary (48 mins) 



See also:


AO COVID General News


AO News – COVID Bioweapons


AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?


AO News – The Great Reset





COVID-19 is the flu-like illness that started scaring the world in late 2019 and well into 2020. 


What is the Source of COVID-19? (video 4 mins)


Did SARS-CoV-2 source from bats? Maybe.  Was it entirely naturally formed? No.  (article)


Was SARS-CoV-2 released either accidentally or deliberately from a lab?  Unknown.  While there is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was being manipulated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a level 4 infectious disease laboratory, there is also evidence that SARS-CoV-2 cannot infect human tissue and does not exist outside of a laboratory.  (article) / (CDC report)


Does the SARS-CoV-2 virus cause the COVID-19 illness?  Unknown, although that is the official story.


Responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests provides no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists out of the laboratory.  No evidence that the virus has been isolated and purified from a sick individual.    (article)


Could the COVID-19 pandemic have been deliberately instigated?  It appears so.  (AO News – The Great Reset)


Is the pandemic a Chinese Communist Party plot?  (article)


Is the pandemic a result of USA’s illegal gain of function research? (Fauci’s e-mails)


Is the pandemic response a strategic partnership between the USA, Chinese, G7, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum?  AO News - C19 Players


Is the pandemic a lie?  (article)


If SARS-CoV-2 cannot be isolated for causing COVID-19, how can vaccines be developed?  (AO News - Vaccines)


What is causing COVID-19?  Official narrative: SARS-CoV-2 (deliberate or accidental)?  5G/wireless?  Medical malpractice (AO News – Midazolam)?  Bacterial pneumonia from masks?  COVID-19 vaccinesGraphene oxide?  None of the above?  All of the above?


Were COVID-19 test kits imported/exported in 2017 and 2018?  See Appendix G.


Were the vaccines prepared in advance?  (article)


Are the vaccines being targeted to segments of the population?  [AO News - COVID-19 Vaccinations]


Is COVID-19 a cover-up for something else?  If so, what?  (AO News – The Great Reset)   (5G/wireless)


The origin of COVID - Watch the Water Documentary (47 mins)


Dr. Judy Mikovits says “COVID has little if anything to do with SARS-CoV-2.  It’s a cover-up of [xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus] XMRVs.  It’s clear all of these diseases are acquired immune deficiencies from mouse, monkey and all kinds of viruses transmitted into humans via contaminated vaccines and a heavily contaminated blood supply.”  (video 1 hr 10 mins)


What about vaccine-induced enhancement of viral infections, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus, a type of allergic reaction.


Who are the players?  What are their roles?  Big pharma, big tech, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, London Imperial College, Johns Hopkins, University of Toronto, EcoHealth Alliance (Peter Daszak), Ralph Baric, China, Israel, Bill & Melinda Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci (USA), Kristian Andersen, Jeremy Farrar, Canada:  Prime Minister Trudeau, Dr. Teresa Tam, Doug Ford, Dr. David Williams, Dr. Barbara Yaffe.  (AO News - C19 Players)


Why is mainstream media (CBC, CTV, MSNBC, CNN,) not telling the whole story?  In fact, their coverage seems biased in favour of fear and jabs.  There is only one side to the story. (article) (6 cos)


Clay Clark’s Timeline (

-          2002 CDC files for patent 7379327 for a replication coronavirus that attacks lung cells (transmissible to humans)

-          2010 Rockefeller Plan aka the Great Reset aka the Fourth Industrial Revolution “a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership is needed” (Klaus Schwab “The Great Reset” page 16) including quarantines, curfews, lockdowns and forced vaccinations

-          2011 Harvard professor Charles Lieber (Who Was Paid $50,000 Per Month Illegally by the Chinese Communist Party) created nanotechnology that allows human cells to send and receive signals.

-          2011 Jeffrey Epstein “I want to create my own race of people” with Bill Gates (article)   (article)

-          2015 Charlie Rose / Klaus Schwab “The difference of this Fourth Industrial Revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing it changes you.  If you take a genetic-editing, just as an example, it’s you who are changed, and of course this has a big impact on your identity.”  (video [mark 6:10])

-          2019 USA’s Dr. Anthony Fauci funds gain of function research in Wuhan

-          29-Jul-2019 Vatican hosts transhumanism meeting of the minds  (AO News – Transhumansim)

-          28-Dec-2019 MIT announces ability to on-patient storage of vaccination history

-          28-Jan-2020 Harvard Professor Charles Leiber arrested for failing to disclose his relationship with China (AO News - China)

-          11-Mar-2020 WHO declares global pandemic based upon computer models designed by Neil Ferguson of the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute, Imperial College London, UK

-          26-Mar-2020 Microsoft release patent W02020060606 for cryptocurrency system using body activity [23:40] [“mark of the beast”?]

-          Universal Basic Income

-          1-May-2020 USA Congress introduces HR6666 to award grants to conduct diagnostic testing without permission.

-          7-Jul-2020 Moderna files for a patent for Luciferase

-          Feb 2021 USA Congress introduces HR666

-          Jun 2021 Elon Musk’s Starlink

-          Aug 2021 New York City rolls out vaccine passports

-          Nov 2021 United Nations puts out their Guardians of Nations statue in front of their 405 East 42nd Street, New York, New York (leopard, feet of a bear, mouth of a lion)



Matthew 24

Daniel 7 v 25, 26

Daniel 11 v 3

Daniel 12 v 4



Update 2023


With governments under pressure from “anti-vaxxers”, freedom movements (Freedom Convoy) and those that read the actual science, COVID measures such as lockdowns and masking began to disappear in 2022.  By January 2023, under constant warnings of new variants with vague threats in the mainstream media of possible re-implementation of the COVID measures, two distinct streams of comprehension had set in:  (i) the government narrative as expounded by the mainstream media (CBC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, Toronto Star, Sun, Creemore Echo) and controlled/censored by social media (facebook, gofundme, instagram, paypal, twitter, vimeo, youtube); and (ii) the counter narrative as researched and speculated by hundreds of individuals including doctors, nurses, lawyers, other professionals and the “Disinformation Dozen” forced on to alternative technology platforms (,,,,,,,, 


The counter narrative constantly required the government narrative to re-invent itself to the tune of hypocrisy, and gradually the mainstream media lost credibility.  Despite the hypocrisy and blatant lies around COVID-19, the government narrative continued to hold sway over other issues (Ukraine, climate change) when those watching the counter narrative realized such issues were inextricably entwined with the pandemic and thus were also suspect.


However, the counter narrative became more and more fantastic moving from a coronavirus manipulated in China and released on the world to … deliberately deadly vaccines, a New World Order/Great Reset with globalists who planned to take over the world, a cult of controlled politicians (WEF Young Global Leaders), widespread sex trafficking and blackmail, Satanism, weaponized 5G technology, cashless society, social credit scores, engineered supply line collapses, and aliens … which nobody wanted to believe.


So the two narratives run in parallel with all suspicious and most unwilling to talk about it.  After all, why talk about something over which you have no control?






Why are people (Prime Ministers/Presidents, politicians, public health officials, hospital administrators,) going along with the narrative? 

·         Gates/Epstein

·         Health Canada gets 90% of operational cost funding from Big Pharma (article)

·         Doctors educated and bonused by Big Pharma (.pdf)

·         Mainstream media funded by Big Pharma (Brought to you by Pfizer (1 min))   (alternative)

·         Politicians funded by Big Pharma

·         Censorship – any scientific work/opinions contrary to the narrative are shut down and attacked (Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Paul Alexander - AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?)

·         Administrative Medical Boards – increased funding.  (Are Ontario’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and other administrative medical bodies criminals for blocking effective treatments?  For demanding dangerous gene-therapies? Dr. Mark Trozzi [mark 12:45])    (article)

·         China owns Canada?



Answering the Questions - Commentary


To try and answer the questions posed above:







Bitchute / Truth Media

Whistleblower Exposes US DOD Plan to Exterminate Population! Maria Zeee – Sasha Latypova (20 mins)


Maria Zeee, Sasha Latypova


Full Interview


Bitchute / The Willow

Clay Clark – The Great Reset Plan Explained (47 mins)


AO News – The Great Reset



Youtube / Cabin Talk

Climate is next (2 mins)


Claudia Stauber

-      Climate lockdowns

-      Animal destruction (cattle)


Youtube / Fox News

'What Really Happened in Wuhan': Chinese defector speaks out (4 mins)


Sharri Markson

-      suspects the virus was affecting people in Sept. 2019.


Youtube / Cabin Talk

The next pandemic is just around the corner!

(7 mins)


Claudia Stauber


See also AO Comments: COVID-19 Pandemic



Crimes Against Humanity


AO News – COVID Bioweapons


AO News – The Great Reset


AO News – This Means War



Fear Tactics


Control of the mainstream corporate media was/is key.  Via the media, the powers-that-ought-not-be kept up a constant stream of propaganda touting the seriousness of the situation, the deadliness of the virus, the lack of early treatment, the frightening statistics and the necessity for a vaccine – any vaccine or combination of vaccines – to keep us safe.


“Scientists have repeatedly warned that unless the majority of the world’s population is vaccinated, any opportunities for COVID-19 to keep spreading means it could mutate into deadlier and more transmissible forms.”  (article)


The onslaught of information was truly a wonder to behold with





Sasha Latypova explains that the COVID-19 “vaccines” were a USA government and Department of Defense (DOD) military operation (“Operation Warp Speed”), which means that regulators such as the USA’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), had no role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of the products.


It explains why the military was originally brought in to handle the logistics of vaccine distribution bypassing the normal healthcare channels used for flu shots.


It does not explain why the USA government, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) relentlessly gave the public the impression that the “vaccines” were being regulated.


Sasha reveals that the legal structure facilitating the “vaccines” had been tweaked over many years (pre-meditated) and simply required that (i) the countermeasures be ordered from private manufacturers and suppliers, (ii) under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), (iii) in a public health emergency.  Given that “countermeasures” are in fact weapons, such products are not required to meet regulations, good manufacturing practices, clinical trials, or proof of safety.  When the 3 conditions are met, it is up to the sole discretion of the Health and Human Services Secretary (Alex Azar in 2020) to initiate the project (deploy the weapons). 


So regarding the COVID-19 pandemic it appears the regulators (FDA, TGA, EMA) had no role in regulation of the products but were simply presenting public theatre to obfuscate the danger and promote up-take during the distribution. 


It is apparent that the military program was planned over at least a decade, tweaked to require as little oversight as possible, and is in fact a global depopulation effort.


(video 20 mins) Source: Katherine Watt Substack “Bailiwick News”  21 US code 360bbb-(k)



Beneficiaries of COVID-19 Pandemic Response


It will take the passage of time along with serious investigation to finally know the truth.  However, for argument’s sake let’s consider who would benefit from a global pandemic?  What are “they” trying to accomplish?  The following identifies some obvious answers in no particular order.


Big $$$ Involved


-          Robert David Steele says a lot of insider and short selling in February ( ) (prior to an expected market crash?) Robert David Steele interviews Dr. David Martin (28 mins) / Robert David Steele RIP 28-Aug-2021

-          Market manipulation and insider trading (Interview with Martin Armstong (45 mins)

-    Stock market swings (article)

-    In January 2020 France moved Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) from an over-the-counter medication to a List 2 Poisonous Substances medication which requires a prescription even though HCQ is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines and has been FDA-approved for over 65 years. (AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?)

-   vaccine manufacturers, immunization equipment such as syringes, needles and alcohol swabs.  The Canadian federal government has reached vaccine agreements with AstraZeneca/Oxford University (20 mln doses), Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Pfizer and Moderna, for a total of 282 million doses (article).  Increased to 358 million doses (article). 

-   Personal protective equipment (PPE) providers (video 6 mins), syringes,

-   Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s privately-owned business Deco Labels and Tags Ltd. making COVID-19 signage, stickers and decals (record profits?) (article)

-   Ontario pledges $50M for businesses to retool manufacturing for COVID-19 solutions (article)

-   Small retail businesses were closed or severely limited in the lockdown forcing people to shop in the big box stores.

-   How billionaires got $637 billion richer during the coronavirus pandemic (article)

-   Retail spending is at an all time high –> online companies, big box stores

-   Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold 60% of his stock holdings for $5.5 million on same day as vaccine announcement (article) (article)

-   U.S. billionaires increase wealth by $1 trillion since lockdowns (video Dec-2020)

-   Big for-profit long-term-care companies paid out more than $170 million to investors through Ontario’s deadly first wave (article)

-   Businesses faced ruin from the pandemic. Then Canada came calling for vital supplies (article)

-   Australia buying 10,000,000 additional PCR-tests from BGI China (video 48 mins)

-   Record profits during pandemic for some companies Amazon, BGI China, Walmart (article)

-   China’s economy booming (article)

-   Ontario invests $1M for automation to produce hand sanitizer bottles (articles)

-          The New Normal Documentary by (53 mins)

-          Testing laboratory upgrades – automation, selling and buying new equipment to handle level of COVID testing (video mark 6:55)

o   Lab = 2500 tests per day; PCR processing takes about 1 hr; one test for influenza A & B, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID combined (video mark 7:59)

-          AstraZeneca sells stake in vaccine maker Moderna for nearly $1 billion (article)

-          “The whole thing is just a sick, demented and crooked scheme.”  Robert Kennedy Jr. [mark 28:09]  Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaks with Dr. David E. Martin (44 mins)

-          Midazolam in UK’s NHS-funded hospices “sequine? payments” (source 6 mins)

-          UK MPs and SAGE heavily invested in vaccine industry (article)

-          Vanguard by Cris Vleck (video) / Young Global Leaders (.pdf)

-          “These [rapid antigen] tests can only yield true positives if there is such a high viral load that the person would obviously be symptomatic, and yet only asymptomatic people are allowed to use this test.  Therefore, companies are making massive profits for something that has absolutely no public health value.”  Dr. Byram Bridle (video [mark 12:40])   (AO News – COVID-19 Testing)

-          All about the money - Dr. Lee Merritt (1.5 hrs)   (AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?)

-          It is estimated that hospitals are getting $100,000 per patient.  Dr. Peterson Pierre (video 2 mins)   (Remdesivir)

-          Sweden estimates that COVID-19 testing cost $55 million per week or $220 million per month (article)

-          Moderna CEO Sells Shares, Deletes Social Media: What You Need To Know (article)  

-          “This is why they did it” by Russell Brand (video 14 mins)

-          Sudbury chief medical officer made $800k last year, including $482k overtime (article)

-          $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH (article)   (AO News - C19 Players)




“This one is not even as bad as the 2017 flu.” Martin Armstrong (mark 6:58


“They are deliberately trying to crash the economy to create this Great New Reset.”  Martin Armstrong (mark 7:44)


“This Great Reset … has been orchestrated, honestly, and you know the center has been the World Economic Forum.” [mark 10:34]   (AO News – WEF)


“Klaus Schwab … he’s put out his eight predictions for 2030 and it’s a communistic world which is what the academics tend to always want to create and his number one thing is you will own nothing.  Alright.  You’ll rent everything. He wishes to eliminate property, end fossil fuels, you won’t eat meat anymore.  I mean, honestly, if I did what these people did I’d be in prison for probably multiple lifetimes.  You have Bill Gates and everybody standing up, and what do they have investments in?  You know, meat substitutes.  He’s putting, you know, investments in everything that they’re pitching.  Shutdown meat plants, do this, do that.  It all benefits whatever they have.  I mean it’s the greatest inside trading scam, I think, in the history of human recorded time.  I mean, it’s unbelievable.” Martin Armstrong [mark 10:52]



Big Pharma


-   Alan Phillips, J.D. – What Are Your Vaccine Rights? (2 hrs 17 mins) “This is an industry that routinely engages in massive criminal behaviour, criminal corruption, documented by these hundred million and even billion dollar fines.  It is an international criminal cartel. … This is an industry that routinely engages in massive criminal corruption that is documented.  They get these fines.  Nobody goes to jail though and there is obviously a net profit or they wouldn’t keep doing it.”  [mark 26:25] 

-   “Nobody should ever be required to take a product from an industry that routinely engages in massive criminal corruption.” [mark 27:05]

-   Any vax-harmed people become pharma customers for life.


-   COVID-19 is the world’s greatest vaccine marketing campaign.  (Dr. James Thorp [mark 12:00])

-   In the USA when under emergency response, absolutely no liability under the PREP Act (2005) (Dr. Sherri Tenpenny [mark 38:00 & 50:45])

-   Governments will not want to admit to criminal oversight of vaccine industry and facilitating contaminated blood supplies, subjecting administrations to significant legal challenges.


-   Moderna – never produced a successful vaccine before COVID-19, formerly bankrupt company bailed out by Bill Gates and now in the limelight

-   Remdesivir – previously insignificant drug with potential new life

-   Massive impact on partnering contract drug manufacturers such as Swiss drugmaker Lonza (LONN.S) and Spanish firm ROVI (ROVI.MC) (article)


-   As at 23-Oct-2020 Canada has secured 358 million doses of vaccine from 7 companies.  The companies make money whether they deliver a vaccine or not. (article)  Canada’s population is 38 million people.


-   PCR tests in the USA at $150 each estimated at $13 billion (article)


-   Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Anthony Fauci is a fraud, and has “poisoned an entire generation of Americans”


-   Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Pharmaceutical-driven biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race (2 mins)  


-   AO News - Vaccines


-   COVID vaccines are precedent setting – mRNA vaccines have become normalized (DNA modifying)


-   New therapeutics – pills, powders, patches, inhalers (.mp4)


-          Zoetis (Wikipedia) – donating? COVID-19 vaccines to zoos (AO News – COVID Animals)



Big Box Stores/Online Retail


-   Allowed to open when small businesses were forced to remain closed

-   Ice Age Farmer:  End of the Grocery Store – Major Changes in Food Retail (and Why) (8 mins)



Insurance Companies?

-   Dr. David Martin presentation


Big Tech


-   Continued roll-out of smart city technology with little to no opposition taking advantage of the 5G rollout

-   Internet of things (IoT) (WiFi, Blutooth, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, satellites, wireless) (AO News – Internet of Things)

-   Jimmy Dore Show: Interview with Whitney Webb (30 mins)

-   Increased social media use so increased influence and advertising revenue.

-   Control software / database maintenance / blockchain (Fulgent Genetics) – provision of the tools to control the world.



Big Telecom


-   Roll-out of controversial 5G cell phone infrastructure continued during the lockdown with little to no opposition.


-   While “Telecom giants like Bell are spending millions on advertising telling us we’re all “In This Together”, they’re collecting hundreds of millions of emergency COVID aid from our government, and paying it back to their stakeholders through increased dividends. And all the while, they’ve been further hiking their rates for basic Internet access they charge us during COVID-19.2”  OpenMedia e-mail dated  2/18/2021

-   “Big Telecom companies that were more profitable than ever took $243.8 million in government emergency funds last year, ear-marked to help struggling workers keep their jobs, and used it to pump up dividends to their investors. And the cherry on top? They STILL fired hundreds of employees!” OpenMedia e-mail dated  2/16/2021 (Forbes   Toronto Star)



Government: Politics


-   State of emergency power grab by governments (overturning public input, environmental and resource management laws) (article, Bill 229) (CAs article)

-   Once the Chinese government admitted to human to human transmission, they stopped citizens from travelling domestically but encouraged citizens to travel abroad.  (source)  Did the Chinese government simply want to save face in front of the world allowing international flights to show that everything was under control?  Or did the government deliberately hope to pass along infection?  The Wall Street Journal (article) reported that hackers from China and Iran were stealing vaccine research (possibly as early as January).

-   Crash the economy/disrupt the 2020 federal election in the U.S.A. (Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (mark 19:40)

-   Governments invoked emergency measures – power to approve projects with little to no opposition

-   Distraction/Chaos

·         knocks stories of Trump being impeached off the front page

·         stops Hong Kong protests as CCP starts to take control

·         Black Lives Matter (BLM – Soros-funded?)

·         Racial tensions

-   Implement (legally) population surveillance system:

·         USA proposed pre-crime program “Disruption and Early Engagement Program (DEEP)” arresting potential criminals based on increased mass surveillance and the use of algorithms to analyze bulk data (Oct. 2019) (article)

·         USA proposed SAFEHOME HARPA Program (“Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes (SAFEHOME)” “Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA)) – to predict gun violence by identifying and monitoring “mentally ill” people through predictive analytics and using private medical data (article)

·         USA proposed COVID-19 surveillance system - using private medical data and smartphone data.

·         It’s essentially the same system but has a different justification tacked onto it.”  Whitney Webb, journalist (video mark 28:38)

-   USA election – no conventions, no debates, something to save citizens from, vaccine mythology, opportunity to clinch the election, political virus


“People need to be very wary of what the government is doing right now because I think in a big way they are trying to take advantage of this crisis and screw over people, regular Americans, and it really needs to stop.”  Whitney Webb, journalist (video mark 27:20)


“What we’re seeing is a continuous and unrelenting effort to undermine and destroy everything that protects the natural systems on which our lives depend.  I’m frightened.  You should be too.”  Dianne Saxe, environmental lawyer (video clip mark 2:05 mins)



Social / Economic Re-engineering / Globalists


Most people and organizations recognize the global pandemic response as an opportunity for change.  The questions are how much change will be forced upon us?  And how much change we are willing to accept?


See AO News – The Great Reset



Benefits of COVID-19 Pandemic Response


-   Decrease in SIDS deaths (vaccine related?)

-   Decrease in recipients of regular vaccines

-   Increase in home schooling

-   Increase in home birthing

-   Vaccine development processes pushed into the limelight

-   Increased community shopping

-   Increased community involvement (looking out for our neighbours)

-   Some businesses prospering – flower shops, hardware shops, print companies (COVID decals, posters), online retail, big box stores, couriers, mask and PPE manufacturers and sellers, healthcare properties (gov’t subsidized rents),

-   Positive environmental impact due to lack of planes in the air, ships on the water, cars on the highway.




Victims of COVID-19 Pandemic Response


-   People - social impacts include job losses, housing instability, food insecurity, social isolation, loneliness, depression, anxiety, prejudice (mask?), discrimination (“China flu”), high levels of stress, conflict, suicide, substance abuse and death, intrafamily violence, child abuse, decreased service levels (article) (article)

-   Hospitals – decreased service levels equals less business, staff layoffs, unused beds (article) (article) (Kim Churchill, Angus (mark 40 mins)) (article)

-   Long-term care facilities – the fact that so many elderly people died prompted much need scrutiny and brought to light serious deficiencies of care (Cuomo New York) (article)

-   Small businesses, small retail stores, restaurants, (AO News – Small Business)

-   Blood banks

-   Airline industry

-   Tourism

-   Cruise lines

-   Mink farms (APPENDIX D)

-   Insurance companies?  Backing off to avoid being in a risky situation (i.e. do “vaccinated” individuals lose their life insurance benefits if required?)

-   Hospitals viewed as death traps




NEWS – Money Spent







CBC News

Trudeau announces plan to purchase 76 million doses of Canadian-made COVID-19 vaccine

John Paul Tasker

- federal government has secured 358 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine


Government of Ontario

Ontario Set to Launch Largest Flu Immunization Campaign in Province's History


Office of the Premier



NEWS – Origin of SARS-CoV-2







Head Of Lancet’s COVID-19 Origins Commission Blows Whistle


Paul Joseph Watson

-   Jeffrey Sachs


AO Comment

While it was apparent to those who watched that the origin of the supposed pandemic sourced from USA bio-lab(s) transferred to Wuhan possibly via Ukraine, governments and mainstream media continued to deny it as a “conspiracy theory”

AO - Conspiracy Theories



CTV News

More than 80 per cent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients had vitamin D deficiency: study


Jackie Dunham



The virus that isn’t there, genetic sequencing, and the magic trick


Jon Rappoport



Dr. Tom Cowan explores the COVID virus invented out of sheer nonsense


Jon Rappoport

CDC article


Dr. Tom Cowan

Only poisoned monkey kidney cells “grew” the “virus”

Dr. Tom Cowan

AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?



Youtube / Fox News / Sky News Australia

Coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab and released ‘intentionally’: Whistleblower virologist


Tucker Carlson

Dr. Li-Meng Yan


Youtube / Gravitas

Wuhan virus made in lab? Chinese virologist has 'proof' (3 mins)




Youtube / Loose Women

Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Claims Coronavirus Lab ‘Cover-Up’ Made Her Flee China (11 mins)




Youtube / Simone Gao

What Did She Not Reveal? Part 1 – China Angle


The Coverup of the Century


Youtube / Fox News

Hong Kong scientist claiming China ‘covered up’ coronavirus data speaks out (6 mins)


Bill Hemmer


Youtube / Fox News

Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of hiding details on coronavirus (5.5 mins)


Tucker Carlson

Dr. Li-Meng Yan


Rebel News

Trudeau gave $830,000 for COVID-19 research to the same Wuhan virus laboratory suspected of kicking off the pandemic


Sheila Gunn Reid


Youtube / Gravitas

The interview China tried to hide | Wuhan Coronavirus | Dr. Ai Fen (4 mins)

Dr. Ai Fen (1st doctor)

- passed the whistle to Dr. Li WenLiang

- now she is missing



CDC says coronavirus RNA found in Princess Cruise ship cabins up to 17 days after passengers left


Will Feuer



China Bans Wildlife Markets Temporarily in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak


Olivia Rosane





Click here to review the timeline for COVID-19.







For more information:


AO News - COVID-19 overview



AO News – The Great Reset




Return to Home Page


List of Ontario’s Issues


What Can I Do?



Disclaimer: This information has been compiled through private amateur research for the purpose of allowing the reader to make an informed and educated decision.  However, while the information is believed to be reliable, completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed.







AO COVID-19 Origin Story




SARS-CoV (aka SARS-CoV-1)

In the fall of 2002 an emerging human disease termed SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) drew global attention. The disease was characterized as an atypical pneumonia accompanied by high fever. According the World Health Organization, there were 8096 cases of SARS, 21% of which were in health care workers. Approximately 10% of the infected individuals died as a result of the illness, and the death rate exceeded 50% for those over 60 years old ( and Peiris et al., 2004). The causative agent was identified as a coronavirus (Drosten et al., 2003Ksiazek et al., 2003), a positive-stranded enveloped RNA virus, and the 29.7-kb genome sequence was determined rapidly.


The spread of SARS was curtailed by public health measures, and the outbreak was successfully contained in July 2003. Although several animals are susceptible to SARS-CoV infection, the source of the outbreak and host reservoir are uncertain (Guan et al., 2003). The possibility of a re-emergence still exists, and in such an event, a SARS vaccine would be valuable, especially to protect the most vulnerable groups, the elderly and health care workers.






Fw: LPC Strategic Committee LeakInboxLPC leaker <>1:47 PM (7 hours ago)


Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:38 PM, REMOVED <REMOVED> wrote:




I want to provide you some very important information. I’m a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO).


I need to start off by saying that I’m not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored and they plan on moving forward toward their goals. They have also made it very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes.


The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows:


– Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.

– Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.

– Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.

– Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 – early January 2021

– Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.

– Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.

– Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.

– Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.

– Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.

– Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.

– Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.


Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor. One that would change the face of Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians. What we were told was that in order to offset what was essentially an economic collapse on a international scale, that the federal government was going to offer Canadians a total debt relief. This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided

to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program. In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass) .


Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told “the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details”. Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate. When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely. And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.


So as you can imagine after hearing all of this it turned into quite the heated discussion and escalated beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed before. In the end it was implied by the PMO that the whole agenda will move forward no matter who agrees with it or not. That it wont just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it.


All I know is that I don’t like it and I think its going to place Canadians into a dark future.


Vancouver, Canada·Posted Today, October 14





APPENDIX D (Animals & Pets)


Is treatment of the minks (mass death) paving the way of dealing with other species at risk of coronavirus? 


AO News – COVID Animals










“we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T) ... HUH7.0 and 293T cells showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells were incompatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection.”


Dr. Tom Cowan article



The World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) website is a joint initiative by organizations including the World Bank, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) to track trade data by product through Harmonized System (HS) codes.


AO News – COVID-19 Patents





AO News - China


AO News - C19 Players



APPENDIX I (Bilderberg)


AO News – The Great Reset


AO News - C19 Players







APPENDIX K (Academics)


See AO – Imperial College UK


See AO - Johns Hopkins, USA


See AO – University of Toronto, Cda




APPENDIX L (Original Introduction)


On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared a pandemic (link).  Across the globe governments declared emergency powers and started systematically shutting down services, asking people to stay at home and demanding those abroad to come home.  Borders were closed and the lockdown was underway.  Those deemed as essential workers continued to work, while others stayed at home to reduce risk and “flatten the curve” thereby allowing healthcare systems the opportunity to focus on the looming threat.


The world’s attention turned to the virus identified as SARS-CoV-2.


Where did it come from?


The virus was first reported in Wuhan, China.  Initial explanations sourced it from a live animal or “wet” market in Wuhan.  Initial sources were cited as being either bats or pangolins.  The virus was broadly considered zoonotic and novel, meaning “from animals” and “new”.


In January, 2020 the SARS-CoV-2 genome was “leaked” by Wuhan Doctors.  (genbank 1)   (genbank 2)


Those people who watch this type of thing closely, immediately started to question.  They noted that the virus was 78% genomically similar to SARS-CoV-1 (article) and that Wuhan Institute of Virology is a level 4 infectious disease laboratory 280 metres from the market (article).  Governments and mainstream media were adamant that any talk of lab-origination was a “conspiracy theory” and completely wrong.   (Until May 2021 when the mainstream media started talking about the possibility of a lab leak (video [mark 4:20]) when it became strategically beneficial to re-ignite the waning coronavirus fear through the summer period of good health.)  AO News – The Great Reset


By the end of April 2020, it was apparent to AWARE-Ontario that the data was inconsistent.  See AO News - COVID-19


“It is very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory, where the animals were taken into the laboratory, and this is what was released whether deliberate or not.  That cannot be naturally occurring.  Somebody didn’t go to a market; get a bat; the virus didn’t jump directly to humans.  That’s not how it works.  That’s accelerated viral evolution.  If it was a natural occurrence, it would take it up to 800 years to occur.  This occurred from SARS 1 within a decade.  That’s not naturally occurring..  I’m sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Detrick U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Disease and the Wuhan laboratory.” Dr. Judy Mikovits (video mark 10:30)


It was noted that there was indications of gain-of-function (GoF) engineering in the genome    (article). 


Gain-of-function moratorium in USA (2014/15 until lifted in 2017) [mark 35:02]  Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaks with Dr. David E. Martin (44 mins)


Moderna patent applications (2016, 2019) [mark 31:22]  Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaks with Dr. David E. Martin (44 mins)


It was noted that the World Military Games had been held in Wuhan in October 2019.


It was also noted that Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei Province, announced the launch of commercial 5G applications on October 31, 2019.  (article) (AO Wireless – EMR Health)


While the world pointed the finger at China, the Chinese pointed the finger at the USA. (lego clip) (video (1hr) (mark 43:45))


People also pointed to the undoubted impact on the USA elections on November 4, 2020. (Dr. Sherry Tenpenny (mark 19:00)) (video 7 mins)


Yet months later (October 2020) samples of the actual virus are not available as the virus has not been isolated.  SARS-CoV-2 is without a gold standard and does not meet Koch’s postulates.  It is recognized that the PCR testing used to diagnose COVID-19 was not designed to diagnose infectious disease and that PCR test results can be manipulated based on cycle threshold.  The Government of Ontario admitted to operating at a level with 50% false positives.    (AO News – COVID-19 Testing)


On October 15, 2020 Dr. Tom Cowan wrote an article pointing out that the “whole genome” was derived of “37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes.  This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus.  They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.”  (article)


Dr. Cowan also highlighted a CDC report that the SARS-CoV-2 virus did not infect human tissues.  (article) / (CDC report) / APPENDIX F


Has the virus been isolated? 


Yes:  Sunnybrook, U of Helsinki / diagram


No:  Icke/Dr. Andrew Kaufman video (54 mins)   Icke/Dr. Andrew Kaufman video (47 mins)  


Dr. Thomas Cowan   David Icke (20 mins)   Dr. Kaufman (31 mins)   Dr. David Rasnick (90 mins mark 18:45)


“The DNA template does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person.  The DNA template <genbank no> was generated by a combination of gene synthesis and a recombinant DNA technology.”   Dr. David Rasnick Interview (90 mins mark 21:36)


The Science (Metagenomics):  How did they do it?  Dr. David Rasnick (90 mins mark 18:20, 20:36)


Metagenomics – is a molecular tool used to analyse DNA acquired from environmental samples, in order to study the community of microorganisms present, without the necessity of obtaining pure cultures.  Computer modelling and consensus is used to sequence the genome.   Dr. Thomas Cowan   


Ultimately, critics ask, does SARS-CoV-2 really exist outside of a laboratory? (article)   (article


There is no proof that the virus exists.   Ireland   Dr. David Rasnick (90 mins mark 18:45)


However, Dr. Meryl Nass declares that the virus is real and does exist (although “almost certainly” created in a laboratory).  (article)


5G:  A retracted pubmed study links 5G with coronavirus in skin cells   (article)   (AO News – EMR Health)


Dr. Tim O’Shea – Why the Delusion Cannot End (47 mins)


The New Normal Documentary by (53 mins)


Professor Michel Chossudovsky -  The 2021 Worldwide Corona Crisis (March 2021)


Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, Stiftung Corona (status update 21.09.15) (40 mins) - The narrative is established.  We know what is going on. (AO COVID-19 - What Do Lawyers Say?



DARPA PREEMPT program Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR00118S0017 dated March 2018 – Peter Daszak lays out step-by-step what the organization [EcoHealth Alliance] intends to do by phase and by location.  The primary scientists involved, their roles, and their institutions are indicated.  The funding plan for the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) work is its own document.  (image)



DRASTIC Research is a team of volunteers committed to determining the origin of  SARS-CoV-2 (


Follow the Patents: COVID-19 is a manufactured emergency




Watch the Water documentary (48 mins) 


See also:


AO COVID General News


AO News – COVID Bioweapons


AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?


AO News – The Great Reset





COVID-19 is the flu-like illness that started scaring the world in late 2019 and well into 2020. 


What is the Source of COVID-19? (video 4 mins)


Did SARS-CoV-2 source from bats? Maybe.  Was it entirely naturally formed? No.  (article)


Was SARS-CoV-2 released either accidentally or deliberately from a lab?  Unknown.  While there is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was being manipulated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a level 4 infectious disease laboratory, there is also evidence that SARS-CoV-2 cannot infect human tissue and does not exist outside of a laboratory.  (article) / (CDC report)


Does the SARS-CoV-2 virus cause the COVID-19 illness?  Unknown, although that is the official story.


Responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests provides no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists out of the laboratory.  No evidence that the virus has been isolated and purified from a sick individual.    (article)


Could the COVID-19 pandemic have been deliberately instigated?  It appears so.  (AO News – The Great Reset)


Is the pandemic a Chinese Communist Party plot?  (article)


Is the pandemic a result of USA’s illegal gain of function research? (Fauci’s e-mails)


Is the pandemic response a strategic partnership between the USA, Chinese, G7, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum?  AO News - C19 Players


Is the pandemic a lie?  (article)


If SARS-CoV-2 cannot be isolated for causing COVID-19, how can vaccines be developed?  (AO News - Vaccines)


What is causing COVID-19?  Official narrative: SARS-CoV-2 (deliberate or accidental)?  5G/wireless?  Medical malpractice (AO News – Midazolam)?  Bacterial pneumonia from masks?  COVID-19 vaccinesGraphene oxide?  None of the above?  All of the above?


Were COVID-19 test kits imported/exported in 2017 and 2018?  See Appendix G.


Were the vaccines prepared in advance?  (article)


Are the vaccines being targeted to segments of the population?  [AO News - COVID-19 Vaccinations]


Is COVID-19 a cover-up for something else?  If so, what?  (AO News – The Great Reset)   (5G/wireless)


The origin of COVID - Watch the Water Documentary (47 mins)


Dr. Judy Mikovits says “COVID has little if anything to do with SARS-CoV-2.  It’s a cover-up of [xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus] XMRVs.  It’s clear all of these diseases are acquired immune deficiencies from mouse, monkey and all kinds of viruses transmitted into humans via contaminated vaccines and a heavily contaminated blood supply.”  (video 1 hr 10 mins)


What about vaccine-induced enhancement of viral infections, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus, a type of allergic reaction.


Who are the players?  What are their roles?  Big pharma, big tech, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, London Imperial College, Johns Hopkins, University of Toronto, EcoHealth Alliance (Peter Daszak), Ralph Baric, China, Israel, Bill & Melinda Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci (USA), Kristian Andersen, Jeremy Farrar, Canada:  Prime Minister Trudeau, Dr. Teresa Tam, Doug Ford, Dr. David Williams, Dr. Barbara Yaffe.  (AO News - C19 Players)


Why is mainstream media (CBC, CTV, MSNBC, CNN,) not telling the whole story?  In fact, their coverage seems biased in favour of fear and jabs.  There is only one side to the story. (article) (6 cos)




Why are people (Prime Ministers/Presidents, politicians, public health officials,) going along with the narrative? 

·         Gates/Epstein

·         Health Canada gets 90% of operational cost funding from Big Pharma (article)

·         Doctors educated and bonused by Big Pharma (.pdf)

·         Mainstream media funded by Big Pharma (Brought to you by Pfizer (1 min))   (alternative)

·         Politicians funded by Big Pharma

·         Censorship – any scientific work/opinions contrary to the narrative are shut down and attacked (Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Paul Alexander - AO COVID-19 – What do Doctors Say?)

·         Administrative Medical Boards - Are Ontario’s College of Physicians and Surgeons and other administrative medical bodies criminals for blocking effective treatments?  For demanding dangerous gene-therapies? Dr. Mark Trozzi [mark 12:45]

·         China owns Canada?




Clay Clark’s Timeline (

-          2002 CDC files for patent 7379327 for a replication coronavirus that attacks lung cells (transmissible to humans)

-          2010 Rockefeller Plan aka the Great Reset aka the Fourth Industrial Revolution “a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership is needed” (Klaus Schwab “The Great Reset” page 16) including quarantines, curfews, lockdowns and forced vaccinations

-          2011 Harvard professor Charles Lieber (Who Was Paid $50,000 Per Month Illegally by the Chinese Communist Party) created nanotechnology that allows human cells to send and receive signals.

-          2011 Jeffrey Epstein “I want to create my own race of people” with Bill Gates (article)   (article)

-          2015 Charlie Rose / Klaus Schwab “The difference of this Fourth Industrial Revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing it changes you.  If you take a genetic-editing, just as an example, it’s you who are changed, and of course this has a big impact on your identity.”  (video [mark 6:10])

-          2019 USA’s Dr. Anthony Fauci funds gain of function research in Wuhan

-          29-Jul-2019 Vatican hosts transhumanism meeting of the minds  (AO News – Transhumansim)

-          28-Dec-2019 MIT announces ability to on-patient storage of vaccination history

-          28-Jan-2020 Harvard Professor Charles Leiber arrested for failing to disclose his relationship with China (AO News - China)

-          11-Mar-2020 WHO declares global pandemic based upon computer models designed by Neil Ferguson of the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute, Imperial College London, UK

-          26-Mar-2020 Microsoft release patent W02020060606 for cryptocurrency system using body activity [23:40] [“mark of the beast”?]

-          Universal Basic Income

-          1-May-2020 USA Congress introduces HR6666 to award grants to conduct diagnostic testing without permission.

-          7-Jul-2020 Moderna files for a patent for Luciferase

-          Feb 2021 USA Congress introduces HR666

-          Jun 2021 Elon Musk’s Starlink

-          Aug 2021 New York City rolls out vaccine passports

-          Nov 2021 United Nations puts out their Guardians of Nations statue in front of their 405 East 42nd Street, New York, New York (leopard, feet of a bear, mouth of a lion)



Matthew 24

Daniel 7 v 25, 26

Daniel 11 v 3

Daniel 12 v 4


Answering the Questions - Commentary


To try and answer the questions posed above:


See AO Comments: COVID-19 Pandemic







Bitchute / The Willow

Clay Clark – The Great Reset Plan Explained (47 mins)


Youtube / Cabin Talk

Climate is next (2 mins)


Claudia Stauber

-      Climate lockdowns

-      Animal destruction (cattle)


Youtube / Fox News

'What Really Happened in Wuhan': Chinese defector speaks out (4 mins)


Sharri Markson

-      suspects the virus was affecting people in Sept. 2019.


Youtube / Cabin Talk

The next pandemic is just around the corner!

(7 mins)


Claudia Stauber