Oil & Gas – DiBello Family, Cannington, Ontario


Liftlock Fuels Tanker Spill, Cannington (October 14, 2016)




Photo: Scott Howard



Liftlock Fuels Tanker Spill, Cannington (October 14, 2016)



On October 14, 2016 a car collided head on with a Liftlock Fuels tanker truck on Simcoe Street, north east of Cannington, Brock Township; east of Sutton.


The spill occurred in front of Dawn and Fedle DiBello’s home.


Over 40,000 litres of gas and diesel were spilled onto the road and into the ditch.


The DiBello family was evacuated.


It turns out there was a standard clause in the DiBello’s home insurance that refused coverage for fuel contamination – even fuel spilled by a third party. [Warning to all]


The parties involved in resolving the issue are the DiBellos, Liftlock Fuels, the insurance companies and government officials.  Representatives for Liftlock Fuels state the company has put aside $3 million to remediate the spill and is cooperating with health and environment officials. 


However, as of October 2018 it has been two years and the DiBellos have not been able to return to their home.  Being vacant, the DiBello’s home has no running water, has developed mold, shelters unwelcome rodents, and continues to deteriorate.


Running water was resumed at the end of November 2018.  However, home has never been cleaned and clay pipe leading to the ditch has not been removed.  The DiBellos have been obliged to go to court to force resolution of the issue with hope of being able to clean and return to their home.


There was also environmental, social and financial impact on the neighbours.  (article) (MyKawartha.com #1 .pdf) (MyKawartha.com #2 .jpg)



NEWS (reverse chronological order)








Well hooked up and water resumed.  However, home has never been cleaned and clay pipe leading to the ditch has not been removed.

Family obliged to hire a private environmental specialist to go to court.


CTV News

Consumer Alert




Fuel-spill disaster still keeping Brock couple from home

Bill Hodgins



Petition:  Ontario MOECC draft and enforce an order to LiftLock fuels!




Cannington couple still unable to return home following fuel spill

Bill Hodgins

MyKawartha.com #1 .pdf


MyKawartha.com #2 .jpg


Township of Brock

Minutes – Session Eight - Monday, October 24, 2016 (.pdf)

Page 3



UPDATE - Serious crash near Cannington causes massive fuel spill

Scott Howard



Accident occurs

Fedle & Dawn DiBello live across the road




More Information:


AO Oil & Gas Spills




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Disclaimer: This information has been compiled through private amateur research for the purpose of allowing the reader to make an informed and educated decision.  However, while the information is believed to be reliable, accuracy cannot be guaranteed.






