Muskoka’s Bala Falls
Swift River Energy Limited has proposed building a $27 million 4.5 megawatt (MW) run-of-river waterpower facility on the south side of Bala’s North Dam, located in the Town of Bala, at the west end of Lake Muskoka (approximately 2 hours north of Toronto) in the Township of Muskoka Lakes, Ontario.
The North Dam is owned by Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Provincial Crown land at this location was identified by MNR for waterpower development, continuing a long history of waterpower generation in Bala. This site was first developed as the Bala #2 Generating Station by Bala Light and Power Company in 1924. The former facility was acquired by Ontario Hydro but eventually demolished in 1972. (source)
The Proponent cites benefits as: renewable energy for 4,000+ homes; improved water level and spring/fall flood control; low environmental impact due to existing structure; fossil fuel carbon offset of 20,000 tonnes annually; improved electrical efficiency (local generation); improved efficiency of downstream Ontario Power Generation (OPG) facilities; 80 construction jobs plus operations. They claim no impact to fisheries, navigation and wildlife.
Critics of the proposal note that the water fall is a heritage feature of the town. Heritage Canada The National Trust (formerly Foundation) has recognized saving the Bala Falls as one of the top 10 heritage issues in all of Canada. The falls are the small town’s (600 people) main tourist attraction and economic driver. Working within that tourist mandate, critics state that for the project to be successful there must be enough water over the falls with safe waterfall conditions to continue to attract tourists.
Would it be safe? Would it be beautiful? And would there be enough water over the falls to continue to attract tourists?
Video: “The Fight for Bala” (9 mins)
The Proponent has failed to consult with the town’s people and with First Nations in a meaningful way.
Critics are concerned that the Town of Huntsville, as a shareholder in Lakeland Holdings Ltd., may have a financial interest (conflict of interest) in the project in the event that Lakeland power is selected to operate the dam. Bracebridge Generation Ltd. is a subsidiary of Lakeland Holding Ltd.
The Wahta
Mohawks First Nations note that the proposed hydroelectric project would result
in the loss of the historic Bala Portage. The Crown has failed in its duty to
consult with First Nations.
The Bala Falls are a part of the Muskoka River Water management Plan administered by the MNR.
Bala’s annual cranberry festival is the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Government of Ontario: Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Energy, Ontario Energy Board
District Council of Muskoka
Town of Huntsville
Lakeland Power
Wahta Mohawks First Nations
The Muskoka Lorax (Twitter @TheMuskokaLorax) - Inspired by Idle No More, Peggy Peterson, took it upon herself to camp at the Bala Falls to raise awareness of the private hydro development proposal, thereby protecting and saving the Bala falls as well as protecting and saving the Wahta portage.
Approval Process:
Land use permit (~Nov-2014)
MNR Waterpower lease agreement
Zoning by-law amendment?
Official plan amendment?
Conservation Authority approval if applicable?
MNR licence?
Permit To Take Water?
Sewage permit?
Air permit?
Timeline (Chronological Order)
Date |
Event |
North Bala Small Hydro Project was conceived through Provincial Government policy aimed at developing new, clean, renewable, green energy in order to reduce Ontario’s dependence on carbon-emitting coal-fired sources. |
Dec-2004 |
Swift River won the right to pursue development on the 1/5 acre Provincial Crown land through Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) competitive process. |
2007 |
Option 1: Swift River considered several layout options during the early stages of development. Under the original plan submitted to MNR during the competitive process (Option 1), the entire facility was located on the 1/5 acre site of Provincial Crown land. This plan was presented to the community in 2007. Feedback from the community and the Municipality advocated that Swift River move the facility further south, away from the North Dam and falls, creating a buffer of land between the site and the falls. |
Option 2: In consequence, and in partnership with the Municipality, Swift River developed Option 2, relocating the facility to allow for a 100’ buffer from the falls. Option 2 required the use of Municipal road allowance land on Burgess Island. Option 2 became the “preferred option” outlined in the Environmental Screening Review Report (ESRR). |
2011 |
However, in 2011 Swift River returned to the Option 1 plan when the Municipal land offer was withdrawn. The final layout (Option 1A) was the subject of an Addendum to the ESRR. |
Jan-2013 |
Option 1A ESRR was approved January 2013 initiating the Final Design Phase of the Project. We’re Listening is Stage 1 of our Design Consultation Plan; Swift River is once again soliciting community input into the North Bala Small Hydro Project. |
April 9-2013 |
MNR decision to proceed with permits for development of a hydroelectric plant at Bala Falls. |
Aug-19-2013 |
Divisional Court decision to dismiss a judicial review of MNR’s decision to proceed with permits for development of a hydroelectric plant at Bala Falls. |
Sep-3-2013 |
During a special meeting Muskoka Lakes Council voted five to four in favour of appealing the August 19 Divisional Court decision to dismiss a judicial review the township launched against the Ministry of Natural Resources on April 9 for its decision to proceed with permits for the development of a hydroelectricity plant at Bala Falls. |
Jul-2014 |
In July 2014, the Muskoka township lost a court bid to recognize the public’s right to portage at Bala Falls. The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled “that the protection of public safety trumps canoeists’ access to portages and shorelines on Crown land”. Had the appeal court ruled in the township’s favour, the Ontario government would have been unable to disturb the portage, halting the proposed hydroelectric project. |
Aug-2014 |
Stage 2 of our Design Consultation Plan was launched August 2014. |
Aug-28-2014 |
On August 28, 2014, the Wahta Mohawks First Nation staged a “Portage-In” to protest the federal and provincial governments’ failure to fulfill their “Duty to Consult”, regarding a site that has historical and cultural significance to the First Nations. (article) |
Dec-23-2014 |
Swift River “cleaned up” signs & other protest material from portage (source) |
Dec-10-2015 |
Trees removed from the site. (article) |
Apr-6-2018 |
Construction well underway (article) |
News (reverse chronological order)
Date |
Source |
Title |
Comment |
2018-08-29 | |
Doug Ford breaks promise to kill Bala hydro plant, says it would cost ‘an absolute fortune’ |
Rob Ferguson |
2018-04-06 | |
Containers Buried At The Moon River Has Some Bala Residents Concerned |
2018-02-26 | |
Linda Jackson-Hutton |
2017-11-20 | |
UPDATE: Swift River on notice at Bala Falls as permits at risk of suspension |
Alison Brownlee |
2017-09-13 |
Huntsville Doppler |
Huntsville resident says peaceful protest went terribly wrong |
Tamara De La Vega |
2016-04-10 | |
Bala business owner starts petition to change the Muskoka River Water Management Plan |
2016-03-30 | |
Brent Cooper - Peggy Peterson |
2015-12-15 | |
2015-12-10 | |
2015-10-31 |
Youtube / HT Environmental |
Oakville's Holy Trinity students tackle Bala power project controversy in YouTube video parody |
2015-10-16 |
Muskoka 411 |
Muskoka Lakes Council recommends District not allow blasting at bridge near Bala Falls |
Matthew Sitler - inadvertent damage to the bridge would result in a 50km detour |
2015-10-14 |
Muskoka 411 |
LTE: ‘Wonderful to be making progress’ on stopping power project at Bala Falls, says letter writer |
Peggy Peterson |
2015-09-15 |
Youtube / Emily Hutton |
Emily Hutton |
2015-08-07 |
Muskoka Region / Huntsville Forester |
Roland Cilliers |
2015-07-02 | |
Blog: The Bala Falls Hydroelectric Plant Is a Moral Injustice |
Rob Stewart |
2015-06-10 |
Muskoka 411 |
Letter: Bala residents upset Council is shutting out the public |
Ted Farley |
2015-03-21 |
MyMuskokaNow |
THIS JUST IN: 2nd local arborist refuses tree removal services at Bala Falls |
Matt Sitler / Brian McDonald |
2015-03-13 |
Youtube / Chase Catter |
Allen Edwards Bala Meeting Request – TML Council 2015-03-13 2015 (3 mins) |
Chase Catter - request for a working committee & public meeting |
2015-03-01 |
Muskoka 411 |
Letter: Bala Resident Writes An Open Letter On The Future Of The Bala Falls |
Ted Farley |
2015-02-04 |
Youtube / PJ Peterson |
Idle no More In Muskoka at the Bala Falls, time to dance … (2.5 mins) |
PJ Peterson |
2015-01-21 | |
District councillors asked not to vote on Hydro Plant issue in Bala Falls |
Carly Verhoeven |
2015-01-19 |
Youtube / PJ Peterson |
PJ Peterson |
2015-01-08 |
Muskoka Region / Gravenhurst Banner |
Roland Cilliers |
2015-01-07 |
Muskoka Region / Bracebridge Examiner |
Brent Cooper |
2015-01-01 |
Globe and Mail |
In the Muskoka township power plant fight, a lone protester hangs tough |
Renata D’Aliesio
2014-12-10 |
Muskoka Region / Gravenhurst Banner |
Brent Cooper |
2014-12-10 |
Youtube / PJ Peterson |
Bala Falls Idle No More is day 101, Land Defenders in Muskoka (7 mins) |
PJ Peterson |
2014-12-10 |
Muskoka Region / Gravenhurst Banner |
Brent Cooper |
2014-12-03 |
Muskoka Region / Gravenhurst Banner |
Brent Cooper |
2014-12-01 |
Vimeo |
Video: It’s Not a Done Deal – the fight for Bala Trailer #1 (2 mins) |
Rob Stewart |
2014-08-27 |
Globe and Mail |
Wahta Mohawks to portage in protest of hydro plant in Muskoka region |
Kat Sieniuc - proponent states no impact to fisheries, navigation and wildlife |
More Information:
Heritage Canada The National Trust – Bala Falls Cultural Landscape / /
Link to PETITION to government representatives
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Disclaimer: This information has been compiled through private amateur research for the purpose of allowing the reader to make an informed and educated decision. However, while the information is believed to be reliable, accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Community-owned energy company?